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A Study on Gender Politics in Wen Meihui’s Translation of English Fictions

A Study on Gender Politics in Wen Meihui’s Translation of English Fictions

thesis-proposal logoWith translation’s “Culture Turn” in1980s,translation is attributed to the domain of study on culture. Feminism translation theory is one of the new translation theories which comes into being at that time and makes translation a political activity. They go to great length to remove the gender discrimination to women in translation through their manipulation to the source texts. So their gender politics will be illustrated in their translations .In this thesis, Wen Meihui, taken as the case to study, is an excellent and well-know translator in China. Three of her translations, namely The Last Leaf, The Fox, and Selected Short Stories of Rudyard Kipling will be deeply analyzed in this thesis from the prospective of gender politics. This thesis tries to find out what kind of purposes of the gender politics she presented in her translation and how she made it in her translating. In the first chapter, gender politics, feminism translation theory, the female translator Wen Meihui will be introduced briefly, the feasibility and significance of this study will be illustrated.

From chapter two to chapter five, the power relationship between the two genders, namely the female and male, in the female translator’s mind and the purpose of her gender politics she carries out in her translation will be discovered by comparing the source text and her translation from the following aspects; expressions for women, characterization, dialogues and narrative pattern.

By the study, it is found that the strategies Wen Meihui took to carry out her gender politics is different from that of western feminist translation theory. She is not so racial as them who even make some new words to replace the words with gender discrimination to women. Instead, she tries to correct the misrepresentation to women and prevent the social construction with prejudice to women from further development. Meanwhile, she fights against the patriarchy by uglifying the image of men who treat women badly or hold discrimination to women, which will arouse readers’ hatred and spurn to this kind of men, thus stopping the spread of the concept that women are not born to be treated inferiorly by men. Because a normal person will not do what he or she is disgusted at.

This thesis will be helpful to study on the feminism translation theory from the perspective of gender politics in China. A great deal of textual analysis was carried out based on the feminism translation theory. The novelty of this thesis lies in the following aspects: firstly, by textual analysis, this thesis discusses and studies the purpose of Wen Meihui’s gender politics and the fight between two genders in her translation from the perspective of gender politics. And the way she used to carry out her gender politics is different from that in western countries due to the differences between the two languages. Secondly, this is the first time to study on gender politics in Wen Meihui’s translations from the aspects of different literature elements. Thirdly, the examples illustrated in this thesis prove the importance and feasibility of feminism translation theory in Chinese circles.

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